Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Let it Flow

I'll dig a lyric from another UK band... lol.. i just love britrock.. it's called "Everything will flow" by Suede. Well, this is a rather old song from them, but it's a beautiful song. Watch CLIP ON YOUTUBE. Read Full Lyric Here: Everything Will Flow

I just want to highlight a few lines if not two, the chorus (the title itself) and a line on the 2nd verse which says: "Nothing lost and nothing gained..."

Here we go again, stumble upon something that we should actually forget about it. Time and again, we are the one who have brought trouble into our own life... as suede declare thar "everything will flow", i suppose, you better "let it Flow" coz time will conquer all as long as you've gave your best shoot!!. Remember, in this life there's nothing lost and nothing gain.. you were born naked and will leave this life naked!!!

Again... Let It Flow

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